NCTS Race #11 – Mines of Spain 100

BEAUTIFUL fall weather greeted runners at the Mines of Spain 100 this past weekend! Dry conditions complimented a beautiful course covering a wide range of trail terrain and of course, some big Dubuque hills! 100mi and 100k runners alike really had to buckle down and see what they were made of to reach that finish line but the reward was definitely worth the challenge!

A huge congratulations to each and every runner who stepped up to the line and gave it their all! Special kudos to Tiffany Gunhus for taking 3rd place overall (100mi), Tara Flesch finishing 1st place Masters (100mi) and Nate Shaffer finishing 2nd place overall in the 100k! Some distance PRs as well for No Coast runners with Kyle Kaiser, Nate Shaffer, Tiffany Miller and Ted Smith’s finishing their first 100k and Lacy Arant, Brad Hammes and Ana Phillips finishing their first 100 miler!!!

On the Club side, both Thorsday TC (944.5 pts) and the QC-TUR(d)s (904.4 pts) showed up in force and threw down some BIG points! The gap separating the 2x defending champs and the hammer wielding Thors-men and Valkyries has become quite narrow and will come down to the final series finale race at the Woodpecker Six on November 11th! Lots of points for individuals and teams in the 6 hour timed event so anything can happen!

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